Learn InDesign using several essential tutorials.

Learn InDesign using several essential tutorials.

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The offset for a rule below a paragraph is measured from the baseline of the last line of text to the top of the rule. Michael Murphy provides a video tutorial about creating special effects using paragraph rules at Paragraph Rules Rule. Choose a color. The available colors are those listed in the Swatches panel. Select the Text Color option to make the rule the same color as the first character in the paragraph for Rule Above and the last character for Rule Below. Choose a tint or specify a tint value.

The tint is based on the color you specified. If you specified any line type other than solid, choose a gap color or gap tint to change the appearance of the area between dashes, dots, or lines. To make sure the paragraph rule at the top of one column aligns with the text at the top of the adjacent column, select Keep In Frame.

You can eliminate orphans and widows, words or single lines of text that become separated from the other lines in a paragraph. Orphans fall at the bottom of a column or page, and widows fall at the top of a column or page. Another typographic problem to avoid is a heading that stands alone on a page with the following paragraph on the next page. You have several options for fixing widows, orphans, short exit lines, and other paragraph break problems:.

Discretionary hyphens. Similarly, you can also add a discretionary line break character. Choose No Break from the Character panel menu to prevent selected text from breaking across a line. Nonbreaking spaces. Keep Options. Choose Keep Options from the Paragraph panel menu to specify how many lines in the following paragraph remain with the current paragraph.

Start Paragraph. Use Start Paragraph in the Keep Options dialog box to force a paragraph usually a title or heading to appear at the top of a page, column, or section. This option works especially well as part of a heading paragraph style. Hyphenation Settings. Editing text may not be an option depending on the kind of document you work with. If you have license to rewrite, then subtle rewording can often create a better line break.

Use a different composer. See Compose text. InDesign can highlight the paragraphs that sometimes break in violation of your settings. You may not want to use Keep Options if your document does not require your columns to share the same last baseline.

Select Keep With Previous to keep the first line of the current paragraph with the last line of the previous paragraph. This option is especially useful for making sure that a heading stays with the next few lines of the paragraph that follows it. For Start Paragraph, choose an option to force InDesign to push the paragraph to the next column, frame, or page. If Anywhere is selected, the start position is determined by the Keep Line Settings option.

For other options, they will be forced to start from these positions. When you create paragraph styles for headings, use the Keep Options panel to make sure that your headings remain with the paragraph that follows them. Optical Margin Alignment controls whether punctuation marks such as periods, commas, quotation marks, and dashes and edges of letters such as W and A hang outside the text margins, so that the type looks aligned. Paragraph borders enables you to create a border around one or more paragraph.

You can customize corner designs to highlight the paragraph with beautiful effects. To apply paragraph border to the text in a text frame, select the text frame or place the pointer on the text in the text frame.

Specify a color to appear in the space between dashes, dots, or multiple lines in a patterned stroke. Select a cap style to specify the appearance of both ends of an open path: Butt cap creates squared ends that abut stop at the endpoints. Round cap creates semicircular ends that extend half the stroke width beyond the endpoints. Projecting cap creates squared ends that extend half the stroke width beyond the endpoints.

This option makes the stroke weight extend evenly in all directions around the path. Specify the appearance of the stroke at corner points: Miter join creates pointed corners that extend beyond the endpoint. Round join creates rounded corners that extend half the stroke width beyond the endpoints. Bevel join creates squared corners that abut the endpoints. Corner Size And Shape:. Select a size and shape for the corners. You can select individual size and shape for each of the four corners.

Top Offsets :. Left Offsets :. Bottom Offsets :. Right Offsets :. Bottom Edge:. Specify the width of border. Selecting Column spans border across text frame, selecting Text extends border across text.

Select this option to display a border when the text in a paragraph flows across columns or from one threaded frame to another. Select this option to merge the paragraph border and shading of two consecutive paragraphs, if they have same paragraph border and shading properties. Check the Chain button to ensure that all offset values remain the same.

If you change the value of one offset, all other values are updated. The Paragraph Shading feature provides you with the capability to create a shade or color behind a paragraph. When you shade a paragraph in a document, InDesign ensures that the shade expands and collapses as your increase or reduce the contents in the paragraph.

Also, the shade moves along with the paragraph. To apply paragraph shading to the text in a text frame, select the text frame or place the pointer on the text in the text frame. Specify the width of shading. Selecting Column spans shade across text frame, selecting Text extends shade across text. Clip To Frame:. Do Not Print Or Export:. The shade extends over the text in the text frame. It does not extend across the entire text frame.

Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy. Buy now. User Guide Cancel. Adjust paragraph spacing. Select text. The value for Space Between Paragraphs Having Same Style will be used only if two consecutive paragraphs have same paragraph style. If the paragraph style is different then the existing value for Space Before and Space After will be used.

To ensure formatting consistency, change paragraph spacing in the paragraph styles you define. Use drop caps. Create a drop cap. With the Type tool selected, click in the paragraph where you want the drop cap to appear. In the Paragraph panel or Control panel, type a number for Drop Cap Number Of Lines to indicate the number of lines you want the drop cap to occupy. To apply a character style to the drop cap character, choose Drop Caps And Nested Styles from the Paragraph panel menu, and then choose the character style you created.

A cross-reference refers readers from one part of your document to another in the exported PDF file. Cross-references are especially useful in user guides and reference manuals.

When a document with cross-references is exported to PDF, the cross-references act as interactive hyperlinks. See Cross-references. Page transitions. Page transitions apply a decorative effect, such as a dissolve or wipe, when you turn the page in the exported PDF while in Full Screen Mode.

See Page transitions. Indicate whether all pages in the document, or a page range is included. If you select Range, specify a page range, such as , 9 to print pages 1 through 7 and 9. See Specifying pages to print. To advance the pages automatically, select Flip Pages Every and specify the number of seconds between page turns.

View After Exporting. Page Transitions. Specify one page transition to apply to all pages during export. If you use the Page Transitions panel to specify transitions, choose the From Document option to use those settings. Forms And Media. Select Appearance Only to include the normal state of buttons and the video posters as static elements. Embed Page Thumbnails. Embeds a thumbnail preview for each page in the PDF, increasing the file size.

Deselect this setting when users of Acrobat 5. Create Acrobat Layers. The layers are fully navigable, which allows users of Acrobat 6. Create Tagged PDF. During export, automatically tags elements in the story based on a subset of the Acrobat tags that InDesign supports. This includes recognition of paragraphs, basic text formatting, lists, and tables. You can also insert and adjust tags in the document before exporting to PDF. See Adding structure to PDFs. Use Structure for Tab Order.

This option is only available for tagged PDFs. However, file size is reduced with a minimal loss of information. Choose Automatic to let InDesign determine the best quality for color and grayscale images. JPEG Quality. Specifies the amount of detail in the exported image. The higher the quality, the larger the file size. Specify the resolution of bitmap images in the exported PDF.

Choosing a high resolution is especially important to allow viewers to zoom in on pixel-based content within your exported PDF. Choosing a high resolution can significantly increase the file size. Display Title. Choose what to display in the title bar of Acrobat when it opens your PDF. Available options are Document Title and File Name. Choose the document language for the PDF. This determines the default language for the exported PDF. If the required language is not in the list, you can also type the standard language ISO code.

Document Open Password. If the file is opened in Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign, the user must enter the Permissions password, since it is not possible to open the file in a view-only mode. Permissions Password. Specify a password that is required to change the permissions settings. This option is available only if the previous option is selected. Printing Allowed. Low Resolution dpi. Printing may be slower because each page is printed as a bitmap image.

High Resolution. Lets users print at any resolution, directing high-quality vector output to PostScript and other printers that support advanced high-quality printing features. Changes Allowed. Prevents users from making any changes to the document that are listed in the Changes Allowed menu, such as filling in form fields and adding comments. Inserting, Deleting, And Rotating Pages. Lets users fill in forms and add digital signatures. Lets users add comments and digital signatures, and fill in forms.

Any Except Extracting Pages. Lets users edit the document, create and fill in form fields, and add comments and digital signatures. Enable Plaintext Metadata. Allows users to copy and extract content from the PDF. Although InDesign does not provide tools for adding form fields, Adobe Acrobat does. You can create a form in InDesign that includes placeholders for fields such as radio buttons, check boxes, and text fields. Then you can export to PDF, and use Acrobat to convert the placeholders into form fields.

In InDesign, create the document you want to use for the form. Use tables and text boxes to create the placeholders for the fields. Start the form wizard to convert the placeholders into form fields. Use the form tools to add and edit the form.



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